We are getting to the point of the rehearsal process where there is not much to write about. We've learned all of our music, most of our dance, and have blocked the majority of our scenes! This past week we really just started getting to the nitty gritty of setting everything in our minds, voices, and bodies.

As I write this blog (very early Sunday morning) we are officially less than 4 weeks from opening night (which is October 4th). That leaves us 3 more weeks of rehearsal and then a week of Tech Week. We are in a good place where we get to spend the next 3 weeks really getting everything ready for tech week, which is when we start incorporating all of the lights and set changes and costumes.

I spent most of this week going around and trying to catch 37 actors for interviews for this week's video. I'm kind of surprised I was able to get everyone, but I'm glad I did so you all get the chance to meet them! I love working with this group, and after this video, you will see why!

With that being said, don't be surprised if the next couple of weeks I just post some pictures from the rehearsal along with the video of the week.
Join us next week as we get to know those who keep the theatre running, but you may never see...the office staff of Asheville Community Theatre!
As always, if you have any questions for me or anyone else with the show, comment on the blog, YouTube video, Facebook, or if you’re on Instagram or Twitter, send questions to me @theonejohno #AskTheWizard.
Until next time…